On the Ballot 2024
for the City of Essex Junction
A voters' guide that provides an overview of all state measures, including links to the full text for the advisory votes, and information/links about state and local candidates.
Election winners will be highlighted in GREEN.
For detailed information regarding results, visit VT SOS webpage
VT Digger General Election Guide (coming soon)
Federal State wide State Senate/House County Local BP=Ballotpedia
President of the United States
Claudia De La Cruz and Karina Garcia (Socialism and Liberation) BP
Rachele Fruit and Dennis Richter (Socialist Workers) BP
Kamala D. Harris and Tim Walz (D) BP
Robert F. Kennedy JR and Nicole Shanahan (We the People) BP
Chase Oliver and Mike Ter Maat (Libertarian) BP
Donald J. Trump and JD Vance (R) BP
Cornel West and Melina Abdullah (Peace and Justice) BP
US Senate
Steve Berry (I) BP
Mark Stewart Greenstein (Epic) BP
Matt Hill (Libertarian) BP
Gerald Malloy (R) BP
Bernie Sanders (I) BP
Justin Schoville (Peace and Justice) BP
Date TBA
US House
Becca Balint (D) BP
Mark Coester (Republican/Libertarian) BP
Jill "Jessy" Diamondstone (Peace and Justice) BP
Adam Ortiz (I) BP
Date TBA
Esther Charlestin (D/P) BP
June Goodband (Peace and Justice) BP
Kevin Hoyt (I) BP
Eli "Poa" Mutino (I) BP
Phil Scott (R) BP
Date TBA
Lieutenant Governor
Ian Diamondstone (Peace and Justice) BP
John S. Rodgers (R) BP
David Zuckerman (P/D) BP
Thursday, October 10, 5:25pm
Secretary of State
State Treasurer
Attorney General
Charity R Clark (D) BP
Kevin Gustafson (Peace and Justice) BP
Ture Nelson (R) BP
Tuesday, October 1, 5:25pm
Auditor of Accounts
VT Senate Chi-Central
3 Seats/Vote for 3
Phillip Baruth (D/P) BP ​
Martine Gulick (D) BP
Tanya Vyhovsky (P/D) BP​
VT House Chi-22
2 Seats/Vote for 2
VT House Chi-23
2 Seats/Vote for 2
Leonora Dodge (D) BP​
Rey Garofano (D) BP​
Lynn U. Smith (R) BP​
Friday, October 11, 5:25pm
High Bailiff
Johnny Trutor (D) BP
Justice of the Peace (City of Essex Junction)
15 Seats/Vote for 15
Vermont’s justices of the peace do far more than solemnizing marriages. Their duties are many and varied, from administering oaths to deciding property tax assessment appeals to delivering and counting ballots as elections officials.
Of all duties of the justice of the peace, election administration is the most crucial. It is expected that, as elected officials, JPs will assist with all elections: primary, general, special, and local. The Board of Civil Authority has “charge of the conduct of elections within the political subdivision for which it is elected.” 17 V.S.A. § 2451.
For more information regarding Justice of the Peace, click here.
Kelly McCutcheon-Adams (D)
Katie Ballard (D)
Deborah Billado (R)
Rajan Chawla (D)
Sandra Chittenden (D)
Diane Clemens (D)
Juan Coleman (R)
Cheri Davis (D)
Jeffrey Duke (R)
George Findlay (R)
Brett Gaskill (R)
Dylan Giambatista (D)
Elaine Haney (D)
Stephanie Holden (D)
Carlton Houghton (R)
Ryan McLaren (D)
Robyn Myers Moore (I)
Elbert "Shorty" Neff (R)
Charles Rittenburg (R)
Brian Shelden (D)
Eileen Shepard (R)
Jay Shepard (R)
Gibson Smith (D)
Carmon Verasamy (D)
Jordan Verasamy (D)
Robert "Bob" Willey (R)
Elisa Ziglar (D)